may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, December 17, 2010

when it comes to sex

two women,both condoms break-
WIKILEAKS spills all!

Stuxnet-a new war
more than those remote drones
internal schisms

Pakistan front lines=
Taliban sanctuaries
Paid by our taxes

Russian corruption-
Putin privitises all
"on Blueberry Hill"

North Korea starves
Military government
Killing civilians

Palestine exists!
Borders agreed upon

Bethlehem Christmas
If Jesus in Palestine
(would be arrested)

Chinese Dragons-
Nobel Peace Prize?

Snow Christmas England
Fires burning on their streets
Students politics!

Sarah Palin speaks-
Bush 2 resurrects faux paux
blunt Decision Points

Obama Tax Cuts
Same as those Bush tax cuts (large)
Larger for the rich

Obama Foreign Wars
Same as those Bush Foreign wars
Surge as we exit

TSA patdowns
exclude politicians,pilots
only assault us

Cowboy politics-
Torture / assassination-
Guantanamo still open

Government terror-
Ruby Ridge,Waco,airports
Fear of flying hands

STATESMAN newspaper-
no poetry,no exposures
just advertising

all community listings
All Austin centric

Music Festivals
Give us back our public parks
For our public use!

We are the people
What else will you call us now?
When will you listen?

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