may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, December 27, 2010

LYING FALLOW(dark and cold)

Today i joined the visceral realists(who cares?
Tomorrow a soup of influences-South American/Mexican
Brimming with fervor of revolutionary scripting
Propaganda proselytizing passionately poignantly
where poetry is our lingua franca/all meaning distilled
via the archery of arrowed targets(St Sebastian)
all thirst and need and mess and young
enough to see change as a line (in a line
listening to Neruda/Villon/Jara/Garfias
supplying Che/Mao/Ho/Anonymous
with lipstick red Revolutions Liberation
applied to the South(Mexico City)
Here come the police and army/tool of silencing
All that changes are their victims..

THE FEAST OF LOVE(Charles Baxter)
Let every character share their individuality
to find imperfect love liaisons in a coffee shop
singularly attached in temporary time tunings
interrupted by breakups.breakdowns,divorce and death
Let art be another Baxter.A dog on flame
informing images of transience in silence on walls
a private vision to share when love declares amnesty
And we settle for what remains-art ,life,framed
Picture perfect pages flipped
Visions for photography.Still lives...

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