may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, December 13, 2010


Caught a moon in my poem!
(catch and release)

Darkness shows (christmas)lights
so much brighter!

Solstice cave of days
short as man

Worshiping Light-
Lucifer means "light"

what we left is gone-
separated like "u"and "i"

now i dream childhoods
once i dreaded

mornings egg does not crack
nor break

your silence and consent
allows this

lost between worlds
(reading cover to cover)

allows me to repeat

she asks me-
"what is this poetic form?"
i reply-"i do not yet know"

speak of cities
dreaming forests/rivers

cold alarms me
snap fresh mornings!

soon,lights of cars
now,one headlight moon

even silent movies
had live soundtracks

cars parked
do not snore

in my old nest job-
new young birds

allergic to change
unless it is loose and silver

price of gold UP
as job market DOWN

protestors burn fires
to celebrate politics

if time has a limit
it is this island moment

if time is money
can i get a refund?

selling timeshares
in my life

renting minutes
by the hour

sleeping through this
waking up on the next line

i am sure of

before noise-
archaeological silences

Pyramids as Ponzi schemes
only for Pharaohs

meditating upon morning
like rainforests/now they are gone

my boss is Life/Death
i get to choose

i left in a spelling mistake
to check spelcheck

universal surveillance?
for politicians and security agencies

you are so blessed!
(not to have to believe)

all these movies!
my life projects better

behind walls-
early morning snores!
(another poetry reading?

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