Daintree Rainforest (Far North Queensland)
i had left the Youth Hostel for a walk on a thin trail
Canopy of tall trees covering me.Birdcalls slicing green air.
Chills on the back of my neck.I am being watched!
I say to myself how few animals are human sized-
few kangaroos,pythons,predators.My species rules!
Yet still this feeling..I turn my head ..slowly..gently
See the colored topknot of a six foot tall cassowary behind me
Get that electric feeling of red light danger-their Stone Age beak
can splice a spine to pieces,especially when defending their nests
I retreat from Iraq/Afghanistan,knowing this is not my habitat
Slowly retrace my steps pre-invasion.Seek peace
and a cup of tea,having gained a true story,with no lives lost in the telling..
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