may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, October 30, 2010

BEATLES as of October 29,2010

Soon you will download music from decades ago
The format that you use  did not exist when those songs were made
You may never know the scratched sound of 45 rpm singles
Nor of EPs(that four song double sided format)
Nor LPS with their 10 songs(5-7 on each side-and yes-
you DID have to turn the record over/and just sometimes
there was a scratch scratch scratch that meant
you had to lift the stylus over the dust/and yes-you did have to clean the vinyl
or this would damage your treasured records
Some peopel9like me)have whole museums of defunct formats
So when those Liverpool Mop Top 4 started TWISTING and SHOUTING
we all listened (deep!-single by EP by LP by newsreel by movie-
soon THE BEATLES became a cult bigger than Jesus
So their pix were burned along with their records
and as they split,we split apart ,too.Let It Be.1970.
It would be 1980 before the first CD(never mind CD Rom!)
CD is not LP/quality drips over time.Remixed Beatles hits became THE GRAY ALBUM
Elevator muzak claimed ELANOR RIGBY /YESTERDAY
Now your children watch YELLOW SUBMARINE on children's television
One by one.Gone.They return as GHOST BEATLES-George.John.
Frozen wax museum.So young.Cryogenic black &white Hard Days Night
flash splash to color HELP!Magical Mystery Tour.Let It Be!
No more!They have dredged up every last drip drop of John Lennon's blood
splashed on his New York streets 1980.Shot.Number One (with a bullet!
SOLD by Vampire Yoko whose solo records sold solo
Now the BEATLES are a trademark,brandname,ROCK STAR game
of visual retro engineered by young George Harrison's son
We have come to a mockup,a mashup,a virtual retro  replica
of GREATEST HITS editions re-issued like Elvis-or 2D AVATAR
and 1962 goes into 2010 only once.CUT!

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