may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


1.All data is neutral.Emotion is gratuituous.(and skews results)
Empathy assists .Holistic thinking includes the "observer"as well as the "observed."
There are no secrets(WIKILEAKS,GOOGLE,WIKIPEDIA).Media changes everything.
Objectivity is a witness in a jury trial.We are all under continuous assessment and universal surveillance.2010 is not 1965,nor 1972,1992,nor 2001-and not yet 2012.
Terrorism is emotionality.Robots are programs and can be human.Clones are identical yet not.All reality has a poetical base.Same with fantasies.Projections are everywhere.
The danger of history is being obselete.Same with retro fashions.WE are not one.One is.

Everywhere,we assert dominance over species (rather than empathy with..
Species disappear when they are no longer wanted
We eat our companion creatures and hunt our friends
Birds of the air are soup.Jungles are not.Rainforests vanished-like bison prairies
Clear space is part of the art.DO NOT FILL UP THIS SPACE.
Solutions exist-but the desire for same is not yet sufficient
Hard times do not make for soft people.tragedies kill.Comedy has punch lines.
If we listen more than speak,watch more than act,affirm more than critique
Once i gave a bird poem to a friend,who criticized it.My bird died.

INVENTORY(33 Chilean miners for 31 days.(from CAMP HOPE)
100 cigarettes per day.99 rosaries.66 empanadas.
66 towels.33 multivitamins(daily).33 camping mattresses.
33 camping chairs.33 minitubes toothpaste(weekly.33 loads fresh laundry(weekly)
33 harmonicas.10 MP3 players.10 magnifying glasses(to read Bibles).
33 pocket-size bibles.4 decks of cards.4 domino sets.
1 video projector(do not screen AVATAR!)0 bottles of wine.
(Happily,these were all FOUND poems.Now,about those Chinese miners...

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