may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, October 9, 2010

OG,BOG,LOG,DOG(it all happened so fast

when we were very very small,we all believed in O!
it was marvelous!Every one of US under G!
Big he was,and powerful.We could trust him to save us
In the last war,against B,many of us were undecided
We did not want to be involved in war.We might get BOGGED down
in fighting for others rather than defending ourselves
BUT we were attacked,and we felt we must defend our alphabet
All the letters stood with USA against foreign alphabets.We won!
Although it was Navaho wind talkers who translated victory
more than any dogs of war.We put logs on the fire and got warm
We got BIG.We grew worlds.We Expanded.Pax Americana.
Manifest Destiny.God was with us!Stars and Stripes!Rome #2!
We grew then by Berlin Airlift,Peace Corps,American Aid
but then we got bogged down-in endless little wars
Third World Countries tinpot dictators military assistance
Suppression of Civil Liberties.Arms Dealings(to all sides)
Now Everyone Is Against Us.They say we are in decline!
China barks reminbi,Pakistan aids Taliban,our trucks on fire!
in Khyber Pass of Previous Empires.This all happened so fast!
How come they no longer love us?How come we no longer love ourselves?
We were all united under O!(not T!)Words fail me!
Alphabets of arsenals scatter on our own streets
Our youth gun down gangs.They seek Empire,Dominion
One Nation Under Gun.G is powerful-
but there are other letters outside wanting true Representation
and the November Election is only a beginning

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