may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, October 3, 2010

i smell like cat

Town Lake Animal Shelter-we support the "no-kill"policy
and have longed for Cat Spirit to return
so seek out the scrangiest,most unloved scrappy rescued cat
pay for its ransom from wire cage
bring her home still scarred from necessary shots
(it is not only children subject to abandonment)
Gentle her with welcomes-for my 3 previous
are Ghost Cats-Dog,Ginger,Love Cat
and she is young as year,soft as claw,fearful and sharp eyes
that question our intentions with necessary Diogenes
She has been abused and left in a bin
brought to the shelter like battered children
right near the end she was still unredeemed
now she can practice being Queen
Ginger was rescued(gift from a friend
Love Cat had jumped the fence to be with humans
Dog died when he knew we were watching
and TOOTS is now learning to trust humans
We are always provisional-she has smeared us with licks
and fur kisses.Rooms smell of cat again,and we are learning
how love redeems,when all of us need rescuing...
tues 28-MELANIE ROSE invites you to Ruta Maya open mike 6-9pm(3601 south congress)
JOVITAS on south first from 7pm has open mike with music $5(free for poets!)
wed 29-CAFE CAFFEINE POETS PARTY 7-9pm 909 west mary-art,voice,song,poems
with MOLLY,JUSTIN,CHRIS,JULIAN,GORDON -poetry,music and YOU!(open to all!
fri oct 1-FAIR BEAN 2210 S 1st from 5-7pm
sat oct 2-EXPRESSIONS welcomes CELEBRATION CIRCLE!2215 E.M Franklin ave 9268880
Bring a dish for the pot luck/cans for poets pantry.RUDI HARST&JAI MEDINA
Doors open 6pm.ALL AGES READING!SATURDAY OCTOBER 2 @Austin Bahai Center!

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