may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Sunday, October 3, 2010


it is a raw wound/a challenge
a call to the drunken art/a split lightning sky
a guidebook for the kind/a reprieve of laughter
a slap in the face of giants/a link to Heavens Anonymous
a warning to the scarred/a yellow CAUTION sign
a track off the main into the jugular/footprints upon waves
a handshake/a hug/a happy ripple below the surface
a termite in wood Paradise/ant determination
a list of grievances swinging like a bell
a village of intimacies/a film of sounds
an accusation to the Fates and Destiny
it is what we would like to release
if our box of butterflies would allow us this
unlicensed liberty-to be free to employ
vibrations of joy and sorrow simultaneously
to unseal all contracts and make all provisional
to let freedom become a verb and sweet a noun
Break All The Rules Of Grammar!When you sing,
we are stilled to silence.Violence slinks out of the room,ashamed
You allow us to be at ease with our personal being
you release us from the need for crying
You sing for us.You sing for all of us
We who are taught only to be silent
watch your wings and envy the skies.
FOR MICHELE SOLBERG@cafe caffeine wednesdays 7-9pm
909 west mary-open to all-waiting for your call!

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