may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

it is different close up

when you meet the smiling murderer
and he complains about his executions
how it takes his spare time/history will not understand him
targeted assassinations rare in any media
it is not as if he seeks glory-Operation Phoenix killed many
Right wing juntas in Greece,Chile,Argentina made Generals out of torture
and who would not confess after waterboarding?(it still happens-
rendition,disappearing,everything we accused those Nazis of
exists within our repertoire/and who would not join a Tea Party
to protest (safely)how the Rightwing fail to impress?
Fascism popular until the stringing up of mistresses
shaving of collaborators heads,while those responsible fled
safely to havens where they haunt the living and the dead
History is a story told by winners-survivors contend another version
Poets are unnecessary.Journalists get targeted.Gangs know who fingers them
A sonnet will not sing your name to police.Silence arranged for a price
Distance settles in,the official version is released,every one agrees
the trains run on time,prosperity renews for the rich
democracy can be Greek history,where Socrates dies for corrupting youth
and Platonists and Peronists preen their Bibles from bully pulpits
Do you ever get the feeling they are lying and they know it?
How many more must die before we can show the massacres?
Truth went first.Culture followed.Give them sports/advertising/movies
Our taxes pay for wars they die to fight.Pat Tillman.False heroines.
Hide the body bags from poets.Ban all digital cameras.
Even if we know,we will not admit.Death close up
gets closer the more we look away.

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