I was born in water(Le Boyeur)
When you look at this planet from black space,it is blue!
This is the fluidity of currents singing to
cetacean consciousness within you
You see-you came from oceans too!
There will always be-water within you!
i was born in fire
Your remember Vulcan,Thor,Wodin-war defines you
beneath you volcanic seismic shifts
Lava flow retook Pompeii,Herculeum
Hawaii belongs to Pele
There is a fire within you
I was born in earth
All peasants know me as mother
Close to them-they eat dirt,build adobe,mud huts
daub themselves in mud -they know me
They know their bones and ashes will rest within me again
I was born in air
First breath SO AH! (first chant,first affirmation
You cannot live without me!
Check your carbon footprint at the door
I was born in forests
Green Man /Woman,merging with trees
Lay on the good earth look up at tree canopy
Your cerebellum has branches resembling!
Many still live in tree houses/Amazon
Green consciousness is everything
I was born in metal-ask yourself
why gold is so valuable?rarity is only one reason
Japanese eat gold flakes.Egyptian masks golden
What you store to defeat death lasts forever
I am old as gold .Value me
I am all of these and more
Definition limits me
I am the seventh direction
as above ,so below.as around so within
what cannot be named has more power
you cannot write me !
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