may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Saturday, October 23, 2010


I was born in water(Le Boyeur)
When you look at this planet from black space,it is blue!
This is the fluidity of currents  singing to
cetacean consciousness within you
You see-you came from oceans too!
There will always be-water within you!

i was born in fire
Your remember Vulcan,Thor,Wodin-war defines you
beneath you volcanic seismic shifts
Lava flow retook Pompeii,Herculeum
Hawaii belongs to Pele
There is a fire within you

I was born in earth
All peasants know me as mother
Close to them-they eat dirt,build adobe,mud huts
daub themselves in mud -they know me
They know their bones and ashes will rest within me again

I was born in air
First breath  SO AH! (first chant,first affirmation
You cannot live without me!
Check your carbon footprint at the door

I was born in forests
Green Man /Woman,merging with trees
Lay on the good earth look up at tree canopy
Your cerebellum has branches resembling!
Many still live in tree houses/Amazon
Green consciousness is everything

I was born in metal-ask yourself
why gold is so valuable?rarity is only one reason
Japanese eat gold flakes.Egyptian masks golden
What you store to defeat death lasts forever
I am old as gold .Value me

I am all of these and more
Definition limits me
I am the seventh direction
as above ,so around so within
what cannot be named has more power
you cannot write me !

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