may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, October 22, 2010


Dr Gupta (he of 70 Volvos in West Yorkshire's Bradford
who drove a blue Rolls Royce in one of the poorest areas of England-
invited me Saturday nights to the Spiritualist Church-where we would listen
to messages from those who had "passed over"into the "next life"
The Good Doctor was near death and wanted to learn what they knew.
After a while,when the messages all seemed like sedation,
he gave up going."Mumbo-jumbo"he complained.-
"just because they are dead does not mean they are wise!"
So I pilgrimaged with Clint Eastwood towards HEREAFTER
just to see his take upon the life after this one
Vague,gray and unsettling-amorphous and out of focus
Beautiful acting ,superb photography,murky conclusions-
a widescreen excursion into soft focus spirit visitations
more gentle than PARANORMAL ACTIVITY 2,
or vampires,ghosts,or goblins-but ultimately unsatisfying
Go see it if you feel in need of a vision
I dream of checking out what happens
in the life BEFORE death.This one.
Here and now-and hereafter can wait..
for a remake.

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