may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

color changes

my early world was black and white
color cartoons splashed a dash of Disney
film noir to black and white TV ghosts
i grew from Hard Days Night to Help!
from a black and white apatheid world to color bars
widescreen epic Technicolors.Hollywood,Australia.
Vividness of blue skies and colored parrots 
Bright sunshine eternal skin cancer melanomas
Dark side of colors like Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath,Pink Fairies,the Blues on the Green
Post-Hiroshima-Light Of A Thousand Suns!
We can never be so slow again!Nagasaki,Chenobyl,Three Mile Island
The China Syndrome.Armageddon.Will we be bright by fire light
or snowed via Global warming?White Ice cracks,melts
into an ocean of plastic durables-all colors swirl in a whirlpool
of children's choices.Voices call from Dante's Inferno to Milton's Paradise(Lost)
Where is William Blake when you need him most?
Invoke Monet,Degas,Dali,Beatles,Brueghal,Botticelli,Bosch-
all the colors of these worlds a chemical soup.Ocher,mud,earth
reds,browns,blues,grays-we are green again.Growing weeds again.
Colors are here to stay.

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