OCCUPY has shown collusion between corporations
which,although allegedly competing,are affiliated and linked
in intimate ways so that when one falls,domino theories apply
We saw the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers,and the bail out of banks
The selective support of those"too big to fail"
and the collusion of lending authorities,wherein junk mortgages
created both bankruptcies and housing crises
We are all linked in this.Allowing public monies to bail private for profit enterprises
defeats the myth of "free market forces". Corporate welfare,fat cats,bonuses ,golden parachutes-
this is the language of the New Order.Now that government s,too,need bailout
the price of restoring good order and credit may be the death of public trust.
Bank of America bankrupt.Our lending status downgraded.Our dollar shredded in value.
We are not alone.Debtor nations blackmailed by their rescuers
to cut services and introduce austerity budgets lead to ineffective demonstrations
and sitins in most major population centers."They got bailed out,we got job cuts"
resonates down city streets.Yet the collusion is endemic.
Just as phonetapping and bribery were uncovered in England,then hushed up
because many of those empowering illegalities were tied to those in power
so too each economy is linked by debt and public policies to cut jobs and services
compounding the felonies.Thinktanks and linked executives oscillate between Government s and private firms.
Unless and until new ideas flush old errors,public polices will continue to act
against the best interests of you,me,everybody-o !and the economy!
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