may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, October 21, 2011

PC not for me

Ideology a head case.Bars ,windowed eyes.Having to toe the line.
There is no line that cannot be crossed(out)
Walk the line.Draw the line.Write outside the lines.
Soviet writers knew what line to take.Same in Cuba,China,Islamic States
Fatwa too high a price on lives.Easier to follow the line.Fill in the lines.
Ask permission.Am i in line?Where does the line start?Who is next in line?
Poets in prison/exile/asylum,all failed to convince the Muse
that she belongs to every body.Censorship Bowlderised Shakespeare
Movies cut for planes and TV.Heads lopped for saying things dictators did not want to hear.
Unexpurgated texts hidden .Figleafs on  nude statues.Penises chopped off.Mutilation,rape.
If you cannot say the words,you cannot escape.The prison is silence/solitary confinement
Poetry is a social language-our selves talking back to ourselves
Every word is needed to describe and dance with 
a world that requires attention,focus and empathy
These are the tools with which we sculpture silences into speech
If we cannot say this now,we will not be allowed to leave.

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