may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Monday, October 31, 2011

"Talk to the people about power-don't talk to power about people"

We are everywhere- indignados,15M,Occupy movements
in a viral wave of horizontal gatherings-a process of unfoldings
wherein and whereby staying open and inviting all in to conversation
becomes a journey intrinsically shared by all.No third parties,no leaders-
this is what confuses APD.Police wish to subvert via coercing or co-opting "leaders"
so that people feel headless when Kennedy ,MLK,Malcolm X ,or Robert Kennedy get shot.
Arrests are random and arbitrary.Demonstrations ongoing and continuous
Examples exist in every City Square-how to hold space and make it safe
how to engage those who are alienated by politics.
This is entirely volunteer-tapping upon energies not released since the 60's-
and this is so very different to your parent's rebellion.Social media define events now-
awareness of Egypt ,Tunisia,Libya-as well as Iran ,Yemen ,Sudan and Syria.
Throwing sop to the masses will not stop this movement
Arrests will not stop its growth,nor violence defer its peaceful purpose
We have yet to see how long and how far the 99% can occupy public space
Freedom of speech and assembly always threatened species.
On every continent,gatherings.Tea Parties amazed and jealous.
Something new is brewing here-a process of unfolding powers...

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