may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Thursday, October 27, 2011


First definition of an independent political entity is military-
can one defend one's borders?By rigorous definition,we fail
Another is language-again,English is only a majority language (rapidly declining)
Currency is another index-cash?our dollar depreciates so fast,gold fever ensues
Politically TEA PARTIES and OCCUPY movements point out divisions on central issues-
tax,migration,wealth distribution,social services etc etc etc.We are not "UNITED"States-
one governor even toyed with the idea of seceding!What unites us?Wars?
Blood and treasure expended against imagined enemies?
What do we make that defines us?Weapons!We sell an arms race-we are Number #1!
Black budget subsidizing ineffective intelligence agencies,depleting community resources
such as schools,libraries,parks etc etc etc Our Empire illusion-
oscillating between Manifest Destiny and Fortress America
between social welfare programs and austerity budgets.
We did not learn from our Great Depression,nor our Great War(s)
We lost Vietnam,withdrew from Iraq and Afghanistan.Our time is gone
Yuan over dollar,trade over wars.As for human rights?Bagram Air Force base/Guantanamo reinforce
the idea of "enhanced interrogations" as officially authorized torture.
Civilization is a wonderful idea.In the words of Leonard Cohen
"Democracy is America!"

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