Regression Analysis
© 30 June 2010, the Griot Poet
Mark Twain said there are “lies, damned lies and statistics!”
No regression analysis can fit the logic of a foreign company from an allied country once known as “Anglo Petrochemical” that told a boldfaced lie to the CIA resulting in the overthrow of Mossaddeq in 1953, a democratically elected president in the country of…Iran.
Then installed the Shah’s repressive regime that made the citizens dream of “Back to the Future” rule by Mullahs and the Ayatollah Khomeini…
But I digress…
MI6 could not stress Mossaddeq nationalized his nation’s oil.
The little white lie they told our “intelligence” to make them act: failure to do so and Iran might go…communist!
Fast forward decades…
Anglo Petrochemical morphs into British Petroleum.
Drilling miles offshore almost one mile deep; one of several attendees to secret meetings with Vice President Richard Bruce “Dick” Cheney…signed on to using “walrus squads” to assist in cleaning up catastrophic oil spills…
Tar balls & oil slicks from decayed dinosaurs and carbon plants, the aftermath of a greenhouse effect that effectively recycled the planet's last giant residents.
The best usage of nuclear weapons: to seal oil wells using the Russian method miles below the ocean floor to cauterize it shut…
DISMISSED because “we can’t turn off BP’s cash cow…” and apologize for 20 billion dollar shakedowns that are drops in the bucket for an industry that’s some would say quite literally made “more money than God.”
A little white lie about communism…
- Fibbed flow rates
- Dolphins, Orcas and Sharks in death throws,
- BP bypasses journalism from the networks (and CNN) specifically sending out their own on-the-payroll bloggers/”reporters”
Oysters & shrimp be cursed!
After all:
The most important thing is to save the investment of the shareholders;
Use dispersing agents to create oil columns below the surface, hiding how much there really is, amortizing the loss over fifteen years (instead of actual months, lives and wages lost).
- White lies;
- Fibbed flow rates;
- Yellow journalism.
The only things damned are life on earth and environmentalism!
(Statistics) The description of the nature of the relationship between two or more variables; it is concerned with the problem of describing or estimating the value of the dependent variable on the basis of one or more independent variables.
Reggie Goodwin
"Reinvention is better than despair." (personal quote)
"The soul that is within me, no man can degrade." Frederick Douglass
Lucky we are to live in tales-
giants stomp their Katrina way across cities
leaving little Alex to supply us with rain stories
We fill tanks with liquidities,as this splash down allows us time between
scorching Sol interrogations
and contemporary uncertainties
I get drenched/hear tales of Mopac floods/I35 gridlocks
cars stopped when water proved stronger than gas
All motion is downwards-gravity from heavens
These passing clouds anonymous as crowds
deliver around and to us/more than we expect!
To be shirtless in showers,drenched within downpourings
is to accept water as power and origins
Gardens gulp this in.We stay within and wait
Waterworld rises in creeks and rivers
I rise to meet these spilling skies
Both of us will dry in time
It is this drip drip dropping
that adds to all we are and will be
dancing between raindrops/eternally...
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