may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 16, 2010


with no limit.Spend time freely-more of it!Like magic!
Days stretch endless.We are small in a taller world
We fit like a pet in the hand of Fate.Caterpillar cocooned
Emergence ,blinking,into sunlight..Baby,old without knowing
Pup strutting like a buccaneer.Kitten on the computer keys.
Play is all there is.All needs met by the Great Mother/Father God
Adventures await everywhere!Stretch days into eternities!
All is golden,glorious,growing.For some,this stays-loving,beloved
Others get the rough raw data of untranslated experience
They bounce around and get kicked.Play sports and get injured
Their World Cup watched by angels.With controversial referees
Here is where you come in-as audience-whether LIVE!
or watching over television distance.The players do not know you
You see them and note the consciousness inherent in each move
Goals are scored at random.Achievements on Boards.
Surprises when the favorites fall.Long shots rise.You watch
as if sport were a metaphor.It is and it is not.Players change
The game goes on.You will not see the players in wheelchairs,reminiscing
Nor those with injuries,off the field and broken.Most is hidden
Much as it is for those participating)You say"i am not in this game"
Yet you are watching-as Adonis,Apollo ,Dionysus all score
and the goalposts are shifted over time and evermore...

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