may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 30, 2010


Work is what pays-some are addicted
Play is the way free will steals time
Dolphins in captivity amusing themselves blowing bubbles
Consciousness finding new gold cage words
like Houdini to open these chains round my chest
I stretch-structures bend -to reveal how organic and real
meaning finds containers to fit form and shape
amphorae/gazelles/quick breath haiku/songline sonnets
weave of melodies in a line of guitar/stretch this world
until you meet borders.Here words stop,change languages.
Summer heat and the last of vegetables.
Before dog daze August,rainwater tanks bulbous,bursting
spring buckets of green waters for parched throat gardens to sing
I kneel in the altar (altered)earth,benedicting flowers
Weeds that sing too will soon be beheaded
I dig to the roots ,sweat out my pores
Water flows out in drops .I share more
with this earth than admittance.
Last tomatoes seem smaller,recalcitrant
Shriveled pensioners seeking Goodwill
I leave them for the season will deal
In this casino,all is seasonal-storms,cracked earth
rotate like crops,in circles.Messages of miniature harvests
Almanacs or portents?I weed and water ,as every peasant
Knowing less of what lives beneath than what comes from it

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