may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 16, 2010


a human study in complete disinterest-
a bored security guard in uniform
that denies any individuality/he
could be any study for Rembrandt
(age indeterminate)-unframed
bound to the past by menial pay.
I watched him more than her
believed that myth of Mona
as being self-portrait of the artist
wondered how many tea towels had that smile
how many postcards hid that secret
Da Vinci Code or not-what seemed most important
was this relationship -between guard and captive/
framed and un-wondering which was hung
for years until retirement
Is this not the way with art?
We pay for what we can afford
admire in a timeshare?

Who you are less important than what you stand for.
Mao purged ,we starved-his image lives
despite Great Leaps backward in currency corruption
Stalin's statue (like Saddams)-taken from the public eye
while more still mourn the murder of Georgians
Young Elvis gold on stamps like Michael Jackson
not Fat Elvis bloated as a gold hamburger
nor Michael's reconstructive Frankenstein surgeries
Image sells-as Warhol held Marilyn frozen's corpse
in lurid screenprints' 7 year itch/skirt hitched
not the murdered Mafia nembutal corpse
Argentine Holy Cards are Soccer Heroes
Here NBA sports heroes-rapists,AIDS infested dope smokers..
Make miniature heroes-she who smiles/he who serves
They who need no heroic proportions
visiting elderly /caring for vulnerable
Someone other than Narcissus loving self-image
Love the invisible ones-whose connection
is as tenuous as ours.They do not need heroics
They simply live as best they can..

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