may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 16, 2010


she was burned /in hospital/all her body
she saw angels/sings in choir
i believe her!
while we visited,she heard angels singing
(we thought she was leaving)
her car broke down,police came
46 days later,released from a Texas jail
to cover court costs on a bounced check
she is calm and deep and wise
having heard and listened to women in captivity
each vision for one changes witnesses-
Miracles require congregations
Stain of Jesus /crop circles
Whatever prophecy you subscribe to-you make real
Believe what ye will -truth is in the witnessing

i love the stories of visitations-
when angels and gods broke into human transmission
tapped distracted on shoulder
Saul becomes Paul,believer from persecutor
i like the warnings of Cassandras-
how they are ignored as Chicken Little
all the wise women in this world
cannot predict Texas Lotteries!
i see substitution in darker mysteries-
blood ,vampires,werewolves,horror mysteries
Dopplegangers of Bright Spirits,doomed to darknesses
where Light seems distance as a Resurrection
and laughter has ominous overtones
i prefer a simpler connection-
earth as Paradise-and Heaven
it was before -and will be again
all magick reversible-at least in this version!

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