may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 16, 2010


i like the myth of a living genius-
one who is not persecuted/crucified/vilified
s/he only has to be human enough
to exemplify our best -and to cry!

i like the stories of Fat Buddha-rich
how he gave away all he owned
like billionaire Soros and Bill Gates Foundation
(that makes sense to me)

i resist the cult of death and dying
masochist saints and martyrs suffering
makes no sense to me at all-
bring in Apollo,Bacchus,Dionysius-all!

every god and goddess reveals an aspect
of the hidden parts of self
collective/individual-why not seek
for common sense amongst this wealth?

Apocrypha ,oral traditions-
stories passed down like a saga
to enlighten archaeological ages
of our tribal memories

These are stories passed in bars
of eccentrics (Yossarians)
brave enough to play the fool

show me where the treasure lives!
(in our living memories)-we
are part of "all that we have met"
All our lives are diamond stories

Sacred Clown and dervish dancers
spin eternal Sufi stories
Mullah Nashrudin/Diogenes lamplight
Heraclitus and Anonymous

Joseph Campbell ,Jung ,Castaneda
R D Laing ,astral adventurers
Those explorers leading forever
until we reach this moment -and release!

in/to the myth/us..!

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