may we all be heard
words are bells
let them ring!

Thom World Poet Austin, Texas, USA
Global Radical networker and activist for promoting the live Creative Arts,
at every possible opportunity, especially in his home-city, Austin, Texas, USA

Friday, July 16, 2010


Understand how falling becomes easy-
for angels from ladders with snakes
Jacobs Laddered Xmas stocking
All these promised African millions
Still hooking in Americans
Died more than once to overstand
Still the Unknown haunts like kisses
To give her a name is to misrepresent
Death starts by giving up.RELEASE!
It is as if you are no longer here
And you are not if no one cares
I died long ago to so many
Now all i need is to be invisible among you
No longer needing reason,nor motivation
Breath is enough-mind follows oxygen
and every day is extra added piquant pleasure

The way i see this is wrong.We are not moving
This rock we inhabit is moving.I imputed speed to humans
We are slow by comparison-meteor,asteroid,planet time
is faster than our New Ice Age digital melting clocks
We cannot get off.We war among ourselves
Whole forests and lakes burn while we argue
Oil (fossil fuel)destroys water(us)
Now is the time to stop consumption
to recognize we have nowhere else to go
What happens next is..

Less characterizing pasts than prophesying futures
Less factual journalism -more fantastic leaps
Less competition-more co-operating
Less structure-more free verse and new forms
Less written -more oral and multi-media
Less dour/angry accusations-more celebration of survival
Less divisive-more united
Less evasion-more issue based
Less conflict-more resolution seeking
It is a small child still learning speech
This world is held within its reach
There is less we have to teach
More to listen as the new comes through
You and everyone who understands
What happened before will not happen again

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