Elderspeech comes from this-a circle formed
around theses tongues of fire
to listen and to learn
She of the bright spark mindfire
leads the path-we follow as we can
until the warmth of her dance
animates each and every one of us
into a spark of our own-
we bring wood words to burn with hers
Soon a veritable conflagration is roaring
Inside this bookstore temperatures rise likesmiles
Circles of speech form-like doves,hawks,eagles
Birdwords pecking for seed nutrition
requires all with wings to fly
Soon the thermals glide us down
to a safe space(Sanctuary Of Sound)
and we release ourselves
in to the streets of prose
willing dreams and dreamers made more willing
by these intentional smoke signals emanating-
circles & spirals formed ,informing
we have found each other again
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